Team Coaching
For best performance
Contact me
Contemporary world is rapidly changing
How to deal with upcoming challenges and meet constantly changing requirements?
What is underlying the fact that there are leaders who build strong efficient teams whereas there are those whose teams suffers from burnout and toxic relationships?
Requests for team coaching
Implement and develop commitment culture
Develop feedback skills
Support your team as a part of change management
Update performance review
Improve team communication and interaction
Boost constructive communication
Develop long-term and short-term strategies and goals
Get ready as a team for dealing with various challenges
Boost conflict management
Team coaching stages
Psychometrics BASE!PRO
Provides with quick insight into strengths and weaknesses of a leader and team members, their motivations and distructors as well as tools to make corrections to build a strong team.
Psychometric results are used in team coaching to create a best efficient team.
Irina Ageeva
Expertise in teaching and coaching 20+ years
Corporate background at Western companies 10+ years
MBA (Russian Academy of National Economy)
Red Diploma of an English teacher
Certified business coach